Tatum’s Bags of Fun, with Vols Coach Butch Jones, and more

This show kicks off with Jayson Parker, Executive Director of Tatum’s Bags of Fun.  In honor of Jayson’s now 16 year old daughter who survived 2 bouts with pediatric cancer, Tatum’s Bags of Fun provides backpacks full of toys, games, and electronics to every child in Indiana that is diagnosed with cancer.  This October 28th Tatum’s Bags of Fun teams up with Prime Car Wash to present the Haunted Car Wash.  Prime CEO Brent Oakley joins the conversation to explain how the Wash Tunnel at Prime Car Wash Carmel is transformed into the Haunted Car Wash, with every dollar raised going to Tatum’s Bags of Fun.  More info at www.TatumsBagsOfFun.org

Segments in this show include a conversation with Tennessee Volunteers head football coach Butch Jones, and a talk with Scott Shirley from Uplifting Athletes.