Live at the University of Memphis, with Casey Hunt from Missouri State University, Bill Haskill at Midwestern State University, Hunter Smith, and more

We start the show live on campus at the University of Memphis with the gentlemen of Kappa Alpha Order, and salute D.J. Balazs from William Jewell College for their service work with Battered Women Shelters. We talk with Associate Athletic Director Casey Hunt at Missouri State University about a great service project called “Meals A Million” in which the student athletes provide meals for a million hungry people across the globe. Casey also commends the Missouri State Bears for the All Sports Trophy for their academic excellence. We chat with Midwestern State head football coach Bill Maskill about the service work of his players, including efforts with Relay For Life to benefit cancer. Then Hunter Smith joins us to talk about his career in the NFL, his book The Jersey Effect, and his band The Hunter Smith Band.